I feel like everywhere I turn, everyone is obsessed about "getting their greens." Greens meaning spinach and kale. Swiss chard and bok choy. I feel like the whole green movement is like the fat free trend of the 90's. Its hot right now. I put it in the same bucket as "eating clean." And no I am not bashing anyone who eats clean or green. 90% of the time, I eat that way. I just get annoyed at all the people who talk about it. Or "pin" it. Just eat. Eat because of the health benefits. Not because you think if you pin it, people will perceive you as this raw, organic wonder woman who concocts amazing, healthy recipes and crafts all day, everyday. Not reality. Obviously a hot button for me. I'll stop. There's no denying that greens are nutritious and more people should be incorporating leafy veggies into their daily diet. But many of those people don't even know where to begin to make them delicious. One of the freshest, fastest ways to g...
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