Looking for a perfect Spring cleaning project that can involve your kids that will get you organized for summer? While we all have high hopes that we'll check off a fun activity on the summer bucket list everyday, let's be real - there are going to be days, no matter how hot it is outside, that you're going to want to plop them in front a movie to shut them up for a solid 2 hours. Which is why this project is a must if you're feeling like your DVD, music and/or video game collection is out of control. Now normally involving the kids in any sort of organizational project is a total nightmare but let's attempt to make this fun. First corral the kids and tell them to make a big pile of all the DVD's. Explain to them that they are to make two piles; ones they watch and ones they don't. Do NOT tell them upfront that the movies in the "don't watch" pile are going to be given away. Kids tend to become hoarders then. After the two piles are sorted, ...
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