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Showing posts from September, 2014

Motivating Monday: JOMO

  JOMO [jo-mo] n. 1) An acronym for The J oy o f M issing O ut. Guy #1: I had a great day, went on a hike and didn't check facebook. Guy #2: Good day? Guy #1: Yeah pure JOMO. I came across this article in Parents Magazine and thought it was fitting to share. As a backlash against FOMO - aka Fear Of Missing Out - the term is a rebellion against saying yes to everything, and is about giving yourself the space to think and experience things without freaking out about what you 'should' be doing instead. My hope with this post is that you will be intentional about embracing the here and now with things that make you happy. Don't get sucked into the devil'ish world of social media that makes you feel like you have to be busier than you are. You all know that feeling. Enjoy your week and try to embrace those JOMO moments. The header read, "#JOMO is the new #FOMO because #YOLO. The constant barrage of parenting humblebrags, pin-worthy pedicures and perfectly posed ...

Miracle Tennis Shoe Cleaner: Fingernail Polish Remover

  Why hello!!!!!! Gosh it's been a while. Again. Since June I believe. Whoopsy. Summer absolutely kicked my butt when it came to anything me. Instead I schlepped four kids under six to and from multiple states, tore down and assembled more pack' n' plays than most people do in their entire life, and attended to infant teething twins that refuse to eat anything but Legos and leaves. I can't promise I'm back consistently but I've been dying to tell you about this new cleaning tip so you got me today. I might be late to the party and I don't doubt this fab secret is old news on Pinterest but if you don't know about it, you're going to love it, especially if your kids brand new school shoes already look like they ran through the mud fields. The dirty part I'm talking about is the white part of the rubber sole and toe. My kids have converse so there's a lot of white rubber exposed and it drives this perfectionist bananas when it's grimy lookin...