It's also important to keep in mind that not everything has to be homemade. Major pet peeve of mine is the expectation that if you're having guests over it all has to be made from scratch. As if it qualifies us as being a better person. Get over it.
Below I've put together five different menu options that won't have you slaving for days in the kitchen;
Menu Option 1: Southern
Appetizers -
Vegetable platter with hummus dip & Ranch dressing
Pita chips with Spinach dip
Main Course -
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Corn on the cob
Dessert -
Texas Sheet Cake
Vegetable platter with hummus dip & Ranch dressing
Pita chips with Spinach dip
Main Course -
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Corn on the cob
Dessert -
Texas Sheet Cake
*If this were my party, I'd buy the Veggie platter, Stacy's Pita Chips, Hummus, Spinach Dip, Pork and Corn from Costco.
Menu Option 2: Mexican
Menu Option 2: Mexican
*If it were my party, depending on the size, I'd probably have the Enchiladas and Spanish Rice catered from a local Mexican restaurant.
Menu Option #3: Italian
Appetizer -
Cheese & Cracker platter with dried fruit and nuts
Main Course -
Caesar Salad
French Bread
Dessert -
*If it were my party, I'd buy the Cheese & Cracker platter from Whole Foods, the Caesar Salad, Lasagna and French Bread from Costco.
Menu Option 4: Lightweight
Appetizer -
Shrimp platter with Cocktail Sauce
Cheese and Crackers platter
Main Course -
Sandwich Platter
Fruit Salad
*If it were my party, I'd buy the Shrimp platter and Fruit Salad at Costco and the Cheese & Cracker platter and the Sandwich platter from Whole Foods. Or Subway for the sandwiches.
Menu Option #5: All-American
Appetizer -
Assorted chips with Cheese & Bean Dip
Buffalo Wings
Main Dish -
Green Salad
Dessert -
Apple Pie
*If it were my party, I'd have the Buffalo Wings, Chili and Cornbread catered from a local BBQ restaurant. And would order the pies from Costco.

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