That means even your kid's candy too. Sure they might throw a fit. But you're the mom. You make the rules. You know what's best.
It has been said that the average American gains 7 pounds between Halloween and New Years. Don't let those tempting calories linger around. They aren't good for your kid's teeth or your waistline. Have your children pick out five more pieces and then rid the house of the sweets. If it kills you to simply throw it away, most every city has a school or organization that has some type of candy donation. Chase willingly donated his to the Blind Children's Center in our city.
On a side note; I can't believe it's been a year since I started Hailey's Helpful Hints! I set a goal that I would do this for one year and then re-evaluate how much I enjoyed it. Or better yet, how much my reader's enjoy it. I'm happy to report that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
Click here to read my Halloween tip from last year. You might be more convinced to toss out the candy once you read how much work it takes to burn off that bite here and nibble there...
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