If taking charge of your finances is one of your New Year's resolutions, then this post is for you. Anymore it's naive to think you have to stand in line at the bank or be near a computer to take care of your money. It's 2012 people - managing your money from a mobile device is legit and has many advantages. In fact - Carl Scheible, managing director of PayPal UK, claims that by 2016 you'll be able to leave your wallet at home and use your mobile as the 21st century digital wallet. Crazy huh? Seems alittle Jetson'ish but I guess it's the sign of our digital times.
So if you're pressed for time, want to feel more organized with your accounts and/or feel like you need to become more current with how you do your finances, give these mobile apps a try;
Pocket Money -- Allows you to track unlimited accounts (checking, savings, etc.), make deposits and transfers, and much more. Sync with certain desktop expense programs for easy data tranmission. ($4.99, iPhone & Android).
Pageonce -- Provides a one-stop place to view all of your accouts (bank, credit card, frequent flier, 401(k), IRA, etc.). You can set it up to recieve bill due date reminders too. (Free, iPhone, Android & Blackberry).
PayPal -- Lets you send cash from any of your linked accounts on the go. The new version allows you to take a photo of a check you've recieved to auto-deposit into your PayPal account. (Free, iPhone, Android & Blackberry).
Expensify -- Makes expense reports a snap. Import charges from a credit card or bank accout, and when you take a picture of receipts they automatically become part of the report. (Most features Free, iPhone, Android & Blackberry).
So if you're pressed for time, want to feel more organized with your accounts and/or feel like you need to become more current with how you do your finances, give these mobile apps a try;
Pocket Money -- Allows you to track unlimited accounts (checking, savings, etc.), make deposits and transfers, and much more. Sync with certain desktop expense programs for easy data tranmission. ($4.99, iPhone & Android).
Pageonce -- Provides a one-stop place to view all of your accouts (bank, credit card, frequent flier, 401(k), IRA, etc.). You can set it up to recieve bill due date reminders too. (Free, iPhone, Android & Blackberry).
PayPal -- Lets you send cash from any of your linked accounts on the go. The new version allows you to take a photo of a check you've recieved to auto-deposit into your PayPal account. (Free, iPhone, Android & Blackberry).
Expensify -- Makes expense reports a snap. Import charges from a credit card or bank accout, and when you take a picture of receipts they automatically become part of the report. (Most features Free, iPhone, Android & Blackberry).
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