Ok ok, I know I'm a little late on the post. If you're an avid HHH follower, I usually post this on Monday but I had guests in town since last Wed, my son's first birthday, Easter and then I got terribly sick. Enough said.
What do I mean by fix it together? If you have somehousehold minor repairs say a leaky faucet, a furnace filter that needs to be replaced, a fence that needs to be painted, a tire that needs to be changed around the house, I suggest you never do it without your kids. Home improvements are a great way to spend time with them while teaching them about tools and life at the same time. The attic, basement and crawl spaces are wonderful classrooms for learning how things work and how to safely fix things. Hand them a flashlight and talk them through the job you are doing.
As they get older, moments will be seen as bonus chances for time with your kids amongst their busy schedules. An added bonus - they will know how to do things and fix a problem on their own. I feel the whole "work hard and figure it out yourself" mentality is lost. It's too easy to hire someone else or find shortcuts nowadays. It's our job as parents to set a good example while mentoring them about the everday things in life. These same children are going to be mothers and fathers one day so it's our job to teach them good work ethic and habits in the day to day things.
Don't have a child old enough to help? That's ok - sit them in the exersaucer or highchair and talk to them while you work. Babies are sponges. They need stimulation and love new sights and sounds. My husband did this last week while washing the car. When I got home my husband informed me that "Lance (my one year old) and him spend some good quality man-time together washing the car."
So if you do one thing this week(end), I encourage you to engage your children in little projects. And it doesn't have to be just something that needs fixing. Household chores such as folding laundry, vaccuming and dusting are wonderful ways to include your children.
While it might take a little longer, it's time well spent.
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