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Decorating by Numbers

Helllllloooooo!!! Gosh, it's been awhile. My plans to have a "low key" summer totally backfired on me. I'm sure I'm not the only one. But it was 100% intentional to not blog (or partake in much of any social media for that matter) during our month long trip. That -  I must say - was heavenly. I'm convinced I could write a book on the effects of social media and overall well being.

Totally different subject that I'm not in the mood to tackle at this time.

What I do want to share with you though is this super helpful guide to make arranging your abode as easy as 1,2,3 thanks to interior designer Sabrina Soto, host of HGTV/s The High/Low Project and author of the new book Sabrina Soto Home Design. Takes all the guess work out.

{3} Unless you're purposely using symmetry to create a calm, orderly environment, play around with odd numbers (3, 5, 7, etc) of vases, decorative objects or portraits on the wall. Soto states the "eye finds these groupings intriguing."

{4} Keep no more than this number of small kitchen appliances (preferably fewer in my book) in plain view. Counter tops are meant to be work areas that need to be left as clear & clean as possible.

{4-9 feet} Position the couch and armchair this far apart so guests can comfortably sit & talk.

{18 inches} Designate at least this much distance between a rug and the wall. The exceptions: small areas like an entryway.

{26 inches} A rug in the dining room should extend at least this far past the table on all sides - to prevent chair legs from getting caught on or under it.

{30 percent} Leave about this much of empty space on shelves. Do not jam pack.

{30-34 inches} Kitchen light fixtures should hang out this high above the table. A general rule is to add an inch for every additional foot of ceiling height past a standard 8 feet.

{55-60 inches} When hanging a single piece of art, make sure the center of the frame is at eye level - approximately this high up from the floor.

FYI; Sabrina's Home Design book is jam packed with 200 pages of fresh, budget-friendly how to's that will bring balance, color and organization to every room in your house. (Amazon, on sale right now for $12).


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