Now that the hype of new years dieting and career resolution s has died down some, it's time to focus on our overflowing closets and disorganized cabinets. I know, I know there's never a good time to conquer the clutter but think about it this way -- Your mess is inefficient. It's causing you stress and anxiety. And this dysfunction signals to your your brain that your work is never done causing you to feel overwhelmed and unorganized not just at home but in all aspects of your life. Can this stress be prevented? Absolutely!! But you have to be willing to change some old habits and work at it. Just like anything in life. If you're needing some simple tips on how to conquer the chaos, keep reading... || 10 Commandments of Organizing || 1. Keep like with like. To keep things sensical and logical, you should always put away items with like or similar things. If they’ve put something away in a random place, you're more likely to not remember where you put th...
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