Now that the hype of new years dieting and career resolutions has died down some, it's time to focus on our overflowing closets and disorganized cabinets. I know, I know there's never a good time to conquer the clutter but think about it this way -- Your mess is inefficient. It's causing you stress and anxiety. And this dysfunction signals to your your brain that your work is never done causing you to feel overwhelmed and unorganized not just at home but in all aspects of your life. Can this stress be prevented? Absolutely!! But you have to be willing to change some old habits and work at it. Just like anything in life. If you're needing some simple tips on how to conquer the chaos, keep reading...
|| 10 Commandments of Organizing ||
3. Everything has a place. Keep it there. And save yourself the frustration by putting it back right after you use it. Save yourself the time moving it from here to there. Do it the first time.
4. Honor your memories - then throw them out. No, I'm not suggesting you toss your wedding dress. Some memories are too sacred, and deserve a place in your home forever. But movie stubs? Old train tickets? If you're amassing a stack of "memorable" paper, it might be time to rethink your saving strategy.
5. Put things away. Just do it. Hang, fold or launder your clothing at the end of each day. Sweep through the playroom and clean up all toys off the ground. This should actually be something you train your children to do every night. That is not your job. Clean the kitchen; don't leave a dish in the sink, clear off your counters. Heaping piles of clothes, toys and dishes is the downfall of many a clean home. I know you're tired at the end of the day but spending a few minutes every evening before sitting down to relax will make your life so much easier in the long run. And allow for a more productive start to the next day.
6. Reuse and repurpose. Being organized doesn't have to be expensive or pretty. You need to get over all the pretty Pinterest pictures that everything has to match. Instead of buying a whole new set of containers or bins, start reusing what you already have, like shoe boxes and toy bins.
7. Command everything. A command center has room for your keys, wallet, bag, and any other day-to-day necessities - and it's the secret behind a super-organized home. You'll never have to search if you get in the habit of leaving them in their resting place.
8. Set a daily routine. And stick to it. Routines are the backbones of organization. If you're taking time every day to put things back where they belong, file your papers, and make your bed, your home will thank you. Ending the day with an organized home is a truly wonderful feeling.
9. Start small. If you're not already an organization master, start with the little things - sorting through papers, setting up a command station - before moving onto the big tasks, like revamping your entire closet organizational system. Enjoy the immediate sense of accomplishment, which will spur you on to bigger and greater future projects.
10. Don't get overwhelmed. Remember that you are in control of you, your stuff and your life. If you set your mind to staying organized, it will no longer feel like a chore. Feeling stressed? It's okay. You're allowed to take a nice, long break.
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