Why hello!!!! Has it really been 8 months since my last blog post?!?! Unreal. Ok who am I kidding acting shocked. For those of you that have followed me in the past, you know this really isn't anything new. I get hot and post daily for a bit and then wham, it's like I fall off the face of the earth. In my defense, during this last hiatus, we built a custom home. You better believe this detailed oriented perfectionist had her hands in every last design decision. Luckily my husband and I are still married after the process and our four littles are alive and well. So between the building, the packing, the summer madnes, the school chaos, dealing with a traveling husband, shlepping around two year old devils, I mean twins, and now the holiday mayham, I'm lucky to even still be standing. But one thing lately that has kept me going...I joined a gym. It's been 4+ years since I've stepped into a gym. But this membership has nothing to do with getting back into the gym. I honestly despise the gym. But I love the childcare set up. Everyday, if I so choose, I can check the twins in and head over to the coffee shop for two whole hours. So here I sit. In utter silence, up to my eyeballs in Thanksgiving dinner coordination, Christmas card ordering, Amazon wishlists and Christmas party planning, loving every second of this "me" time.
So with no further ado, here is a holiday must have I just came across. I'll be hosting 20 people for Thanksgiving with only one oven. I know, I know. How do I build a brand new home with only one oven? Due to my lack of enthusiasm for cooking, I opted for two dishwashers instead. So what's a girl to do with the abundance of food that I'm expected to keep warm? But of course - the Betty Crocker 3-tier Oven Rack.
If this is something that will eliminate some stress in your kitchen this holiday season like it will mine, you can score this item on Amazon for 50% off!
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